
Wow, I’m Actually Leaving My Day Job!

June 28, 2012

This week I celebrate an important anniversary in my professional career as I close this chapter and begin a new one.

Twenty years ago this week, I joined a small bank that would become one of the largest and most respected in the country. It has been an incredible ride, and I got the chance to work with some of the greatest people in the business. Not many bankers get to learn directly from an American Banker Banker of the Year CEO, but I have worked for two. At the same company. (Jerry Grundhofer and Richard Davis.)

During that time, we grew from $6 billion to nearly $350 billion in assets, and the market value of the company grew from $750 million to over $60 billion, with two 3-for-1 stock splits along the way. (More detail is available on My Day Job page.)

I know that the experiences and opportunities that I have had, the people I have met, and the things that I have learned will serve me well as I leave and begin a new chapter.

Where Do I Go From Here?

First of all, I will continue writing here about the intersection of leadership, advice and innovation. I started this blog as an outlet for my professional passions, and it has exceeded my expectations. It has been viewed thousands of times in over 30 countries, and my posts are also now available on www.bankinnovation.net and www.bankNXT.com.

New Opportunities

Secondly, I am thrilled with the new opportunities that have been presented to me so far–  and I haven’t even officially left yet! I feel very fortunate to have so many friends all around the industry, and very fortunate to know that I will have the chance to make a significant impact in another senior leadership role.

Hanging Out My Shingle

Among those current opportunities are some speaking and consulting engagements, so I will also add the titles Founder and CEO to my resume. I have started a new consulting firm called Clientific, LLC as a way to help others while I consider the right long term leadership role. The ‘intrapreneur’ gets to try ‘entreprenuer’ on for size– at least for a little while!

Let me know if you think I can help you or your firm.

Why Am I Leaving?

Simply put, the timing is right. I am proud of the work my team has done to help turn what was once a small regional bank into a competitive national platform. I have always called myself an “embedded entrepreneur” and said that I love to build great businesses with great people. That has certainly been the case here. The organization is ready for someone to pick up from here and take it to the next level, particularly with a deeper concentration on the high quality credit book we have built. I couldn’t imagine a more amicable and professional parting of ways, and I remain a fan and a friend of the bank and its leadership and teams. I wish them nothing but the best.

Stay tuned for details of my new adventures!



  1. Good luck, JP! I’m sure you’ll succeed in all of your future endeavors!

    • Thanks, JJ! I am in discussions on a few very interesting long-term senior leadership opportunities, and I have enough writing/speaking/consulting work to keep me busy in the meantime!

      • JP Nichols,

        I guess I should pay more attention to my links here. It is Kay Gresham from Akron, as in Kay and TC. I am glad for you and wish you the greatest success in your next endeavor. Say hello to the familiy for me.

      • Thanks, Kay. Great to hear from you!

  2. […] Wow, I’m Actually Leaving My Day Job! (jpnicols.com) […]

  3. […] Wow, I’m Actually Leaving My Day Job! (jpnicols.com) […]

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